Compiled by Leslie Pate Mackinnon, L.C.S.W.
1) Adoption: The Facts, Feelings, and Issues of a Double Heritage, Jean DuPrati
2) Being Adopted: The Lifelong Search For Self; David Brodzinsky, Marshall Schecter
3) Children’s Adjustment To Adoption: Developmental & Clinical Issues, Broadinsky & Smith
4) Journey of the Adopted Self: A Quest for Wholeness, Betty Jean Lifton
5) Making Sense of Adoption, Lois Ruskai Melina
6) Primal Wound: Legacy of the Adopted Child, Nancy Verrier
7) Raising Adopted Children, Lois Ruskai Melina
8) Real Parents, Real Children, Holly van Gulden and Lisa Bartels-Rabb
9) Shared Fate: A Theory and Method of Adoptive Relationships, David Kirk
10) The Adoption Life Cycle: The Children and Their Families Through the Years, Eleanor Rosenberg
11) The Family of Adoption, Joyce Maguire Pavao, PhD.
12) Toddler Adoption: The Weaver’s Craft, M.H. Best
13) Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew: A Guide for Helping Your Child Give Voice To Their Feelings, Sherrie Eldridge
1) A Single Square, Katy Robinson
2) BirthMarks: Transracial Adoption In Contemporary America, Sandra
3) Does Anybody Else Look Like Me? A Parent’s Guide to Raising Multiracial Children, D.J. Nakazawa
4) In Their Own Voices: Transracial Adoptees Tell Their Stories, R.J. Simon, & R.M. Roorda
5) Inside Transracial Adoption, G. Steinberg, & B. Hall
6) I Wish For You A Beautiful Life: Letters from the Korean Birth Mothers of Ae Ron Won To Their Children, S. Darow
7) The Book of Sarahs, Catherine McKinley
8) The Language Of Blood, Jane Jeong Trenka
9) White Hands, Black Baby; The View From The Crib, Jaiya Johns, PhD.
10) Wuhu Diary: On Taking My Adopted Daughter Back to Her Hometown in China, E. Prager
1) Adoptees Come of Age, Nydam, R.
2) A Man and His Mother; An Adopted Son’s Search, Tim Green
3) Becoming Patrick, Patrick McMahon
4) Beneath A Tall Tree, Jean Strauss
5) Beneath The Mask: Understanding Adopted Teens, D.B. Riley
6) Coming Home to Self: The Adopted Child Grows Up, Nancy Verrier
7) Of Unknown Origin, Holtz, D.
8) Ithaka, Saffian, S.
9) Lost Daughters,Edited by Amanda Woolcot
10) Late Discoveries; An Adoptee’s Quest for Truth, Susan Bennett
11) Mother Me, Zara H. Phillips
12) Searching For A Past, Schooler, J.
1) Adopting After Infertility, Patricia Irwin Johnston
2) Adoption and the Schools: Resources for Parents and Teachers, Wood, L.
3) Adoption Is A Family Affair: What Relatives & Friends Must Know, Patricia Irwin Johnston
4) Adoption Lifebook: A Bridge to Your Child’s Beginnings, Probst, C.
5) Before I Met You; A Therapeutic Pre-Adoption Narrative Designed for Children Adopted from China, Doris Landry, M.S.
6) Be My Baby; Parents and Children Talk About Adoption, Gail Kinn
7) Lifebooks: Creating a Treasure for the Adopted Child, O’Malley, B
8) Love Like No Other: Stories from Adoptive Parents, Kruger & Smolove
9) Secret Thought of an Adoptive Mother, Wolff, J.
10) Talking To Your Child About Adoption, P.M. Dorner
11) The Handbook for Single Adoptive Parents, Marindin, H.
12) The Long Awaited Stork: A Guide to Parenting After Infertility, Ellen
13) The Post Adoption Blues, Overcoming the Unforseen Challenges of Adoption, Thompson, & Foli.
1) Adoption Separation, Evelyn Robinson
2) Birth Fathers and Their Adoption Experiences, Jessica Kingsley
3) Birthparent Grief, Brenda Romachik
4) Birthmark, Lorraine Dusky
5) May The Circle Be Unbroken, Lynn D. Franklin
6) Message From An Unknown Chinese Mother, Xinran
7) Out of the Shadows: Birthfather’s Stories, Marv Martin
8) The Girls Who Went Away, The Hidden History of Women Who Surrendered Children to Adoption in the Decades Before Roe v. Wade, Ann Fessler
9) The Other Mother, Carol Shaefer
1) Arms Wide Open: An Insight Into Open Adoption, J. Waters
2) Children of Open Adoption, K. Silber & P. M. Dorner
2) How To Open An Adoption: A Guide for Parents and Birth Parents of Minors, Patricia Dorner
3) Lifegivers: Framing the Birthparent Experience in Open Adoption, Jim
4) Openness In Adoption: Exploring Family Connections, Harold Grotevant, and Ruth McCoy
5) The Open Adoption Experience: A Complete Guide for Adoptive Parents and Birth Families, Lois Melina & S.K. Roszia
6) The Spirit of Open Adoption, Jim Gritter
7) The Open Hearted Way to Open Adoption, Lori Holden and Crystal Hass
1) Another Place At The Table, Kathy Harrison
2) Orphans of the Living: Stories of Americas Children in Foster Care, Jennifer Toth
3) The Adoptive & Foster Parent Guide: How to Heal Your Child’s Trauma and Loss, Carol Lozier
4) The Heart Knows Something Different: Teenage Voices From the Foster Care System, Youth Communication
5) Three Little Words, Ashley Rhodes-Courter
6) To the End of June: The Intimate Life of American Foster Care, Cris Beam
1) Attaching In Adoption: Practical Tools For Today’s Parents, D.D. Gray
2) Adopting the Hurt Child, G.C. Keck & R.M. Kupecky
3) Attachment, Trauma, & Healing: Understanding and Treating Attachment Disorder in Children & Families, Terry Levy & Michael Orlans
4) Building the Bonds of Attachment: Awakening Love in Deeply Troubled Children, D.A. Hughes
5) Connecting With Kids Through Stories: Using Narratives to Facilitate Attachment in Adopted Children, D.B. Lacher & T. Nichols
6) Making Room In Our Hearts; Keeping Family Ties Through Open Adoption, Micky Duxbury
7) Parenting the Hurt Child, G.C. Keck & R. M Kupecky
8) The Connected Child, Karyn Purvis
9) Theraplay: Helping Parents & Children Build Better Relationships
10) Through Attachment-based Play, A.M. Jernberg & P.B. Booth
11) Theraplay: Innovations in Attachment-Enhancing Play Therapy, E. Munns
1) Adoption Reader: Birthmothers, Adoptive Mothers, & Adopted Daughters Tell Their Stories, Susan Wadia-Ellis
2) Adoption Reunions: A Book For Adoptees, Birth Parents, and Adoptive Families, Michelle McColm
3) Adoption and Recovery; Solving the Mystery of Reunion, Evelyn Robinson
4) Birthbond: Reunions Between Birth Parents and Adoptees: What Happens After, Judith Geddiman
5) Birthright: The Guide To Search and Reunion For Adoptees, Birth-Parents, and Adoptive Parents, Jean Strauss
6) Birthmothers; Women Who Relinquished Babies for Adoption Tell Their Stories, Merry Bloch Jones
7) Courageous Blessings; Adoptive Parents & the Search, Carol Demuth,
8) Ithaka: A Daughter’s Memoir of Being Found, Sarah Saffian
9) The Adoption Reunion Handbook, Liz Trinder, Julia Feast, and David Howe
10) The Adoption Reunion Survival Guide, Julie Bailey and Lynn
1) Adoption Is For Always, Linda Walvoord Girard
2) Adoption Stories for Young Children, Hicks, R.B.
3) Beginnings: How Families Come To Be, Kroll, V.
4) Families Are Forever, Shemin, Shemin, & Capone.
5) How It Feels To Be Adopted, Krementz, J.
6) Jin Woo, Bunting, E.
7) Mommy, Did I Grow In Your Tummy? Where Babies Come From, Gordon, E.R.
8) Never, Never will She Stop Loving You, Durant
9) The Long Journey Home, Richard Delaney
10) The Mulberry Bird, Broadinsky, A.B
11) Twice Upon A Time: Born and Adopted, Patterson, E.
12) What Is Adoption: Helping Non-Adopted Children Understand Adoption, Stergianis & McDowall.
13) Where Are My Birth Parents? A Guide for Teenage Adoptees, Karen Gravelle and Susan Fischer
1) Adoption; Charms and Rituals for Healing, Randolph Severnson
2) Creating Cermonies: Innovative Ways to Meet Adoption Challenges, Cheryl Lieberman & Rhea Bufferd
3) Designing Rituals of Adoption; For The Religious & Secular Community, Mary Martin Mason
1) Adoption, Identity, and Kinship: The Debate Over Sealed Birth Records, Katerina Weger
2) Adoption Nation; How the Adoption Revolution Is Transforming America, Adam Pertman
3) Adoption Triangle: Sealed Or Open Records: How They Affect Adoptees, Birthparents & Adoptive Parents, Arthur Sorosky, M.D., Rueben Pannor, M.S.W., and Annette Baran, M.S.W.
4) Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking and the New Gospel of Adoption, Kathryn
5) Family Matters: Secrecy and Disclosure in the History of Adoption, E. Wayne Carp
1) Holding Time, Martha Welsh
2) Parenting For Peace, Marcy Axness
3) Sacred Connections; Stories of Adoption, Mary Ann Koenig and Niki Berg
4) Synchronicity and Reunion, LaVonne Harper Stiffler
5) The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing & Coping with Sensory Integration Dysfunction, C.S. Kranowitz
4) The Secret Life of the Unborn Child, Thomas Verny, M.D.